The Knights of Columbus does great work in our community.
A portion of the profits are donated to several catholic organizations and causes.


Knights of Columbus across Canada provide a winter coat program. Providing warmth for children in need during cold winter months. The goal of the Coats for Kids program is to ensure that no child in North America goes without a coat during the winter season. Through the dedication of councils across the Canada, hundreds of thousands of new winter coats have been distributed to children since program inception.


The Helping Hands Program is designed to recognize the important work many councils already do to care for the most disadvantaged members of our communities – the homeless, people who suffer from addiction, the elderly who may feel isolated and abandoned, and many others. Through this program, councils will aid the needy through the activities they feel best suit their community, such as serving at or running a soup kitchen, repairing the facilities of a local service organization or something entirely unique.


The Soccer Challenge is a great way for councils to engage in their communities with an athletic event for youth that encourages the values of sportsmanship and healthy competition. Children demonstrate the most important skill in soccer – shooting accuracy on the penalty kick – and compete to reach the international level of competition. The program is also a way to introduce the Order to your community and recruit faithful family men of service.


Knights of Columbus councils work closely with Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit Christian organization, to build homes with families in need at substantially reduced costs. Each year, councils throughout the Order donate a considerable number of volunteer hours and dollars to this worthy cause. To satisfy program requirements, councils are asked to donate a minimum of $1,000 or 200 service hours to Habitat for Humanity projects in their community.